Source code for visioncpp

#!/usr/bin/env python

Python interface to VisionCpp.
import os

__author__ = "Chris Cummins"
__email__ = "[email protected]"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016 Codeplay Software Limited"
__license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0"

[docs]class VisionCppException(Exception): """ VisionCpp module exception. """ pass
from visioncpp import backend from visioncpp import codegen from visioncpp import util default_computecpp_prefix = "/usr/local" computecpp_prefix = default_computecpp_prefix
[docs]def init(path=None): """ Initialize VisionCpp module. Arguments: path (str, optional): Path to ComputeCpp directory. Returns: str: Path to ComputeCpp directory. """ def must_exist(path): if not os.path.exists(path): raise VisionCppException( "File {} not found. Is ComputeCpp installed?".format(path)) if path is not None: global computecpp_prefix path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) must_exist(path) computecpp_prefix = path return computecpp_prefix
[docs]def run(expression, devtype="cpu"): """ Execute a VisionCpp expression tree. Arguments: expression (Operation): The final node of the expression tree. devtype (string, optional): Execution device. Returns: object: Expression output. """ code = codegen.generate(expression, devtype) binary = backend.compile_cpp_code(code) output = backend.run_binary(binary) return output
# Operations Types:
[docs]class Operation(object): """ VisionCpp base expression type. """ def __init__(self): self.parent = None = None def _input_code(self): """ Get code lines for inputs """ return None def _compute_code(self): """ Get code lines for compute scope """ return None def _output_code(self): """ Get code lines for outputs """ return None def __repr__(self): return '{node}<{base}>'.format(node=type(self).__name__, base=repr(self.parent)) def __str__(self): return str(self.__repr__())
[docs]class TerminalOperation(Operation): """ VisionCpp terminal operation type. """ parent = None
[docs]class PointOperation(Operation): """ VisionCpp pointwise operation type. """ def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent def _compute_code(self): return [ "auto {name} = visioncpp::point_operation<" "visioncpp::OP_{type}>({parent});" .format(, type=type(self).__name__, ]
[docs]class OpWithArgs(Operation): """ VisionCpp pointwise operation type. """ def __init__(self, *args): assert(len(args) >= 1) self.parent = args[0] self.args = args def _compute_code(self): return [ "auto {name} = visioncpp::point_operation<" "visioncpp::OP_{type}>({argnames});" .format(, type=type(self).__name__, argnames=", ".join([ for x in self.args])) ]
[docs]class NeighbourOperation(Operation): """ VisionCpp neighbour operation type. """ def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent def _compute_code(self): return [ "auto {name} = visioncpp::point_operation<" "visioncpp::OP_{type}>({parent});" .format(, type=type(self).__name__, ]
[docs]class NeighbourOpWithArg(Operation): """ VisionCpp neighbour operation type. """ def __init__(self, parent, arg): self.parent = parent self.arg = arg def _compute_code(self): return [ "auto {name} = visioncpp::point_operation<" "visioncpp::OP_{type}>({parent}, {arg});" .format(, type=type(self).__name__,, ] def __repr__(self): return '{node}<{base}, {arg}>'.format( node=type(self).__name__, base=repr(self.parent), arg=repr(self.arg))
# Terminal Operations: def _shared_ptr(name, nbytes): """ Generate a shared pointer. """ return [ ("std::shared_ptr<unsigned char> {name}(" "new unsigned char[{nbytes}], " "[](unsigned char *d) {{ delete[] d; }});" .format(name=name, nbytes=nbytes)) ]
[docs]class Image(TerminalOperation): """ An image node. """ def __init__(self, path): if not path.endswith(".jpg"): raise VisionCppException("Unspported image type") self.input = os.path.expanduser(path) if not os.path.exists(self.input): raise VisionCppException( "Image file '{}' not found".format(self.input)) # TODO: Use opencv to get image properties. self.width, self.height = util.get_image_size(self.input) self.channels = 3 def _input_code(self): nbytes = self.width * self.height * self.channels return _shared_ptr( + "_data", nbytes) def _compute_code(self): return [ "cv::Mat {name}_cv = cv::imread(\"{arg}\");".format(, arg=self.input), "if (!{name} {{".format(, ("std::cerr << \"Could not open or find the image {arg}\" " "<< std::endl;".format(arg=self.input)), "return 1;", "}", ("auto {name} = visioncpp::terminal<visioncpp::pixel::U8C3, " "{width}, {height}, visioncpp::memory_type::Buffer2D>" "({name};").format(, width=self.width, height=self.height), ("auto {name}_out = visioncpp::terminal<visioncpp::pixel::U8C3, " "{width}, {height}, visioncpp::memory_type::Buffer2D>" "({name}_data.get());").format(, width=self.width, height=self.height) ] def __repr__(self): return "Image<{}>".format(self.input)
[docs]class Webcam(TerminalOperation): """ A webcam input feed. """ def __init__(self, device_id=0): """ Construct a Webcam node. Arguments: device_id (int, optional): Capture device ID. """ self.device_id = device_id # TODO: Use opencv to get capture properties. self.width = 640 self.height = 480 self.channels = 3 def _input_code(self): nbytes = self.width * self.height * self.channels return _shared_ptr( + "_data", nbytes) + [ "cv::VideoCapture {name}_cap({devid});".format(, devid=self.device_id), "if (!{name}_cap.isOpened()) {{".format(, (" std::cerr << \"Could not open capture device {devid}\" " "<< std::endl;").format(devid=self.device_id), "return 1;", "}", "cv::Mat {name}_cv;".format(, ] def _compute_code(self): return [ "{name}{name}_cv);".format(, ("auto {name} = visioncpp::terminal<visioncpp::pixel::U8C3, " "{width}, {height}, visioncpp::memory_type::Buffer2D>" "({name};").format(, width=self.width, height=self.height), ("auto {name}_out = visioncpp::terminal<visioncpp::pixel::U8C3, " "{width}, {height}, visioncpp::memory_type::Buffer2D>" "({name}_data.get());").format(, width=self.width, height=self.height) ] def __repr__(self): return "Webcam<{}>".format(self.device_id)
[docs]class show(TerminalOperation): """ Node to display an image. """ def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.repeating = False input = self.parent while input: if isinstance(input, Image): break elif isinstance(input, Webcam): self.repeating = True break input = input.parent if not input: raise VisionCppException("Expression tree has no input") self.input = input def _input_code(self): return [ ('cv::Mat {name}_cv({height}, {width}, CV_8UC({channels}), ' '{input}_data.get());'.format(, width=self.input.width, height=self.input.height, channels=self.input.channels,, ] def _compute_code(self): return [ ("auto {name} = visioncpp::assign({input}_out, {tail});" .format(,,, ("visioncpp::execute<visioncpp::policy::Fuse, 16, 16, 8, 8>(" "{name}, device);".format( ] def _output_code(self): lines = [ ('cv::namedWindow("{name}", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);' .format(, 'cv::imshow("{name}", {name}_cv);'.format(, ] if self.repeating: lines += ["if (cv::waitKey(1) >= 0) break;"] else: lines += ["cv::waitKey(0);"] return lines
# PointOperations:
[docs]class BGRToRGB(PointOperation): """ This functor reorders channels BGR to RGB. """ pass
[docs]class F32C3ToU8C3(PointOperation): """ This functor performs conversion from [0.0f, 1.0f] to [0, 255]. """ pass
[docs]class HSVToRGB(PointOperation): """ Functor converts HSV to color RGB. """ pass
[docs]class HSVToU8C3(PointOperation): """ Functor allows displaying HSV. """ pass
[docs]class RGBToBGR(PointOperation): """ This functor reorders channels BGR to RGB. """ pass
[docs]class RGBToGREY(PointOperation): """ This functor performs RGB to GREY convertion. Uses the following rule: GREY <- 0.299f * R + 0,587f * G + 0.114 * B. """ pass
[docs]class RGBToHSV(PointOperation): """ Functor converts RGB to HSV color space. """ pass
[docs]class U8C3ToF32C3(PointOperation): """ This functor performs conversion from [0, 255] to [0.0f, 1.0f]. """ pass
[docs]class Filter2D(NeighbourOpWithArg): """ Applying the general convolution for 3 channel Image. """ pass
[docs]class Filter2D_One(NeighbourOpWithArg): """ Applying the general convolution for 1 channel Image. """ pass
[docs]class GaussianBlur3x3(NeighbourOperation): """ Applying the Gaussian blur 3x3. """ pass
[docs]class SepFilterRow(NeighbourOpWithArg): """ Separable filter for rows. """ pass
[docs]class SepFilterCol(NeighbourOpWithArg): """ Separable filter for cols. """ pass
[docs]class SepGaussRow3(NeighbourOperation): """ Applying the general convolution for 3 channel Image. """ pass
[docs]class SepGaussCol3(NeighbourOperation): """ Applying the general convolution for 3 channel Image. """ pass
[docs]class DownsampleAverage(NeighbourOperation): """ Downsampling filter using average technique Other filters could be added for different numbers of channels. """ pass
[docs]class DownsampleClosest(NeighbourOperation): """ Downsampling filter using closest technique. """ pass
[docs]class AbsSub(OpWithArgs): """ Uses the sycl::fabs to return the difference. """ pass
[docs]class Add(OpWithArgs): """ This functor adds two pixels. """ pass
[docs]class AniDiff_Grey(OpWithArgs): """ This functor applies anisotropic diffusion for one channel. """ pass
[docs]class AniDiff(OpWithArgs): """ This functor applies anisotropic diffusion for 3 channels. """ pass
[docs]class Div(OpWithArgs): """ This functor divides two matrices element-wise. """ pass
[docs]class FloatToF32C3(OpWithArgs): """ It replicates one channel to 3 channels. """ pass
[docs]class FloatToU8C1(OpWithArgs): """ It converts float to uchar converting [0.0f, 1.0f] to [0, 255]. """ pass
[docs]class U8C1ToFloat(OpWithArgs): """ It converts uchar to float converting range [0, 255] to [0.0f, 1.0f]. """ pass
[docs]class FloatToUChar(OpWithArgs): """ It converts float to uchar. """ pass
[docs]class Median(OpWithArgs): """ This functor implements a median filter. """ pass
[docs]class Merge2Chns(OpWithArgs): """ This functor merges 2 matrices into one matrix of 2 channels. """ pass
[docs]class Mul(OpWithArgs): """ This functor implements an element-wise matrix multiplication. """ pass
[docs]class PowerOf2(OpWithArgs): """ This functor implements the power of 2 of one matrix. """ pass
[docs]class Scale(OpWithArgs): """ Scales the pixel value of an image by a factor. """ pass
[docs]class Sub(OpWithArgs): """ This functor subtracts 2 images. """ pass
[docs]class Thresh(OpWithArgs): """ Implements a binary threshold. """ pass
[docs]class Broadcast(OpWithArgs): """ This functor sets the pixel to the value passed in. """ pass
[docs]class ScaleChannelZero(OpWithArgs): """ This functor applies anisotropic diffusion for 3 channels. """ pass
[docs]class ScaleChannelOne(OpWithArgs): """ This functor applies anisotropic diffusion for 3 channels. """ pass
[docs]class ScaleChannelTwo(OpWithArgs): """ This custom functor changes 2 channel by factor passed via float f. """ pass