Source code for visioncpp.codegen

from __future__ import print_function

import visioncpp as vp

import logging
import sys

from collections import defaultdict
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

from visioncpp import util

[docs]def library_source(lines): """ Return source code for a VisionCpp library. The generated code will compile a callable library method "natvie_expression_tree()". Arguments: lines (str[]): Program implementation. Returns: str: Source code """ program_lines = [ "#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>", "#include <visioncpp.hpp>", "", "extern \"C\" {", "", "int native_expression_tree() {", ] + lines + [ "}", "", "} // extern \"C\"" ] return "\n".join(program_lines) + "\n"
[docs]def get_device(devtype="cpu", name="device"): """ Return the lines to construct a VisionCPP device. Arguments: devtype (str, optional): Either "gpu" or "cpu". name (str, optional): Name of the constructed device variable. Returns: str[]: C++ lines. Raises: VisionCppException: If device type is neither "cpu" or "gpu". """ devtype = devtype.lower() if devtype != "cpu" and devtype != "gpu": raise vp.VisionCppException("Bad device type '{}'".format(devtype)) return [ "auto {name} = visioncpp::make_device<" "visioncpp::backend::sycl, " "visioncpp::device::{dev}>();".format(dev=devtype, name=name) ]
[docs]def find_clang_format(): """ Find clang-format binary. Returns: str: Path to clang-format if found, else None. """ clang_format = {"val": None} def set_if_exists(executable): if not clang_format["val"]: clang_format["val"] = find_executable(executable) set_if_exists("clang-format") set_if_exists("clang-format-3.6") set_if_exists("clang-format-3.8") return clang_format["val"]
[docs]def clang_format(code, clang_format=find_clang_format()): """ Run clang-format over C++ code. This function is safe to call, regardless of whether clang-format is present on the system. If clang-format is not found, the returned code is the same as the input. Arguments: code (str): C++ code. clang_format (str, optional): Path to clang-format. Returns: str: Formatted C++ code. """ if clang_format is None: logging.debug("Could not find clang-format. Is it installed?") return code process = Popen([clang_format], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate(code.encode('utf-8')) if stderr: print(stderr.decode("utf-8"), file=sys.stderr) if process.returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) return stdout.decode('utf-8')
[docs]def process_expression(root): """ Process an expression tree into a linear sequence of nodes. TODO: Refactor the node name assignment into node construction. Arguments: root (VisionCpp.Operation): Expression tree. Returns: VisionCpp.Operation []: Serialized expression tree. """ name_ids = defaultdict(int) pipeline = [] node = root while node is not None: # Generate a unique node name: typename = type(node).__name__ name_ids[typename] += 1 = "{type}_{id}".format(type=typename, id=name_ids[typename]) pipeline.append(node) node = node.parent return list(reversed(pipeline))
[docs]def generate(expression, devtype, use_clang_format=True): """ Generate C++ code for an expression tree. Arguments: expression (VisionCpp.Operation): Root of the expression tree. devtype (str, optional): Execution device type. Returns: str: C++ code. """ pipeline = process_expression(expression) lines = [] lines += get_device(devtype) def append_node(lines, node, attr): line = util.call_if_attribute(node, attr) if line: lines += line def get_pipeline_stage(lines, pipeline, stage): for node in pipeline: append_node(lines, node, "_{}_code".format(stage)) def is_repeating(pipeline): for node in pipeline: if util.get_attribute(node, "repeating"): return True # Inputs: lines += ["\n// inputs:"] get_pipeline_stage(lines, pipeline, "input") if is_repeating(pipeline): lines += ["for (;;) { // main loop"] # Compute scope: lines += ["\n{ // compute scope"] get_pipeline_stage(lines, pipeline, "compute") lines += ["} // compute scope"] # Outputs: lines += ["\n// outputs:"] get_pipeline_stage(lines, pipeline, "output") if is_repeating(pipeline): lines += ["} // main loop"] code = library_source(lines) if use_clang_format: code = clang_format(code)"Generated C++ code:\n" + code) return code