Source code for visioncpp.cache

VisionCpp caching mechanism.

Provides a mechanism to cache compiled binaries to amortize compiler
import visioncpp as vp

import os

from hashlib import sha256
from shutil import move
from send2trash import send2trash

# Cache directory.
cacheroot = os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/visioncpp")

def _bin_cache_path():
    """ Get path to binaries cache. """
    return os.path.join(cacheroot, "bin")

[docs]def init(path=None): """ Initialize cache. This function is automatically called before any caching operation which would require it, however users may still call this to set an alternate cache location. Arguments: path (str, optional): Path to new cache location. Returns: str: Path to cache directory. """ global cacheroot if path is None: if not os.path.exists(_bin_cache_path()): os.makedirs(_bin_cache_path()) return cacheroot else: cacheroot = os.path.expanduser(path) return init()
[docs]def get_uid(code): """ Compute an ID for a piece of code. Arguments: code (str): The code to generate the uid for. Returns: str: UID. """ return sha256(str(code).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
[docs]def is_cached(uid): """ Returns whether there is a cache entry for the given ID. Arguments: uid (str): UID. Returns: bool: True if cached. """ return os.path.exists(os.path.join(_bin_cache_path(), uid))
[docs]def load(uid): """ Returns path to cached item. Arguments: uid (str): UID. Returns: str: Path to cached item. """ return os.path.join(_bin_cache_path(), uid)
[docs]def emplace(uid, path): """ Move a binary into cache. Arguments: uid (str): UID. path (str): Path to file. Returns: str: Path to cached item. """ init() dest_path = os.path.join(_bin_cache_path(), uid) assert(os.path.exists(path)) assert(not os.path.exists(dest_path)) move(path, dest_path) return dest_path
[docs]def empty(): """ Empty the cache. Moves the cache directory to the platform-specific Trash. """ send2trash(cacheroot)